ethos ...current ...back ...projects ...subscribe ...links . [ethos]: [the] Evidence is a self-published, thematically organised, journal. Each 'version' is assembled from a series of works by artists, writers and thinkers, invited to respond laterally to a theme nominated by the editor, deemed contemporaneous, and worthy of speculation at the time of publication. [the] Evidence has transpired from ongoing discussions of how thought and ideology can perpetrate, and inform a reading of culture. If ideologies drive a strategy through which we subjugate, organise and submit to seemingly derisory systems, then it seems obvious that re-examinations of what they (and ideology itself) comprise, is an ongoing project. Is it certain that if something is accepted as true, it needn’t be queried time and again; to be revisited, interrogated and altered?...To make a record and a challenge of what may substantiate these readings is an important endeavour. The publication is so named, because each ‘version’ is a record of the contributors’ thinking; an engagement with a topic; unfixing and re-plotting (possibly) in dissimilar places, through research and creative thought. ‘[the]’, because ideas are seldom definitive - the publications’ meaning alters according to when it is written and when it is read. The thematic organisation of this and future versions is part of the policy behind the journal. Images for example, do not perform here as illustration to a theme, but attempt to expand the methodology of the project by pursuing a logic (reducable and/or expandible) that transpires from a sensuous and intellectual appraisal of what we surround ourselves with, and that which individuals perhaps, feel obligated to sublimate as a reality. As more versions are produced, the scope of [the] Evidence will hopefully diversify; identifying its own route as it explicates. © Copyright material 2007-2017. |
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